Welcome to LK ADVISORY.
A problem solving powerhouse with a
perspective that is truly unmatched.

Our Expertise


We are expert planners with vast knowledge, experience and an intricate understanding of the Western Australian planning system.

About Us

Welcome to LK ADVISORY

We are independent, expert advisors to local government, state government and private sector clients in all facets of Urban and Regional Planning, Strategy, Policy, Governance and Organisational Performance. Our considered yet commanding approach, paired with an unwavering passion and commitment to achieve results, ensures our clients receive a perspective that is truly unmatched.



The success of your project depends on close collaboration and open communication, to ensure that expectations are met; critical issues are rigorously evaluated; and recommendations are intelligent and insightful.



We bring our diverse expertise, state-wide experience, and unique government perspective and insight to every project.



Our reputation, evidence-based approach and track record of success ensure that our findings, recommendations, and advice are delivered with credibility and cachet.



We pride ourselves on our independence and integrity, ensuring our advice is thorough and our recommendations robust. We will be frank and fearless in our analysis of opportunities, options and consequences to be considered.


Effective problem solving begins with understanding the complexities of your project on an intrinsic level. We’ll start with your challenges to determine where we can add the most value to your project.

Let’s see where we can best assist you.

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